Word of the Day – July 8, 2024



  • None

Preferred Term

  • None

Non-standard Terms

  • None


Type Definition Sources
Noun In Grammar, a form or set of forms of a verb showing the relation of the subject to the action. (used 1 times in citations and controls)
  • Per ISO 704:2009 methodology
Noun The sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract. (used 22 times in citations and controls)
  • Licensed dictionary content
Noun Usage in Grammar; English verbs have two voices: • active: I shut the door. • passive: The door was shut by me. (used 0 times in citations and controls)
  • Per ISO 704:2009 methodology
Verb Express in words. (used 0 times in citations and controls)
  • Licensed dictionary content

Other Forms

Type Other Form
Past voiced
Past Participle voiced
Plural voices
Plural Possessive voices'
Possessive voice's
Present Participle voicing
Third Person voices



Common Controls

Displaying Controls in which this term is tagged – Show all Controls containing this term regardless of tagging
Displaying Controls containing this term – Show only Controls in which this term is tagged
ID Control
{{ control.id }} {{ control.name }}


Displaying Citations in which this term is tagged – Show all Citations containing this term regardless of tagging
Displaying Citations containing this term – Show only Citations in which this term is tagged
AD ID Authority Document CT ID Reference Guidance CC ID
{{ citation.authority_document.id }} {{ citation.authority_document.common_name }} {{ citation.id }} {{ citation.reference }} {{ citation.guidance_as_tagged || citation.guidance }} {{ citation.control.id }} None
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