distribution list


  • None

Preferred Term

  • None


Type Definition Sources
Noun A set of email addresses maintained by a mail server, such that a message addressed to the list is automatically forwarded to each address on the list. (used 6 times in citations and controls)
  • Per ISO 704:2009 methodology
Record Example A group of mail recipients that is addressed as a single recipient. Distribution lists are used to send e-mail to groups of people without having to enter each recipient's individual address. A distribution list is different from an e-mail list in that members cannot reply to the distribution list's name to send messages to everyone else in the group. (used 15 times in citations and controls)

Other Forms

Type Other Form
Plural distribution lists
Plural Possessive distribution lists'
Possessive distribution list's



Common Controls

Displaying Controls in which this term is tagged – Show all Controls containing this term regardless of tagging
Displaying Controls containing this term – Show only Controls in which this term is tagged
ID Control
{{ control.id }} {{ control.name }}


Displaying Citations in which this term is tagged – Show all Citations containing this term regardless of tagging
Displaying Citations containing this term – Show only Citations in which this term is tagged
AD ID Authority Document CT ID Reference Guidance CC ID
{{ citation.authority_document.id }} {{ citation.authority_document.common_name }} {{ citation.id }} {{ citation.reference }} {{ citation.guidance_as_tagged || citation.guidance }} {{ citation.control.id }} None